Through One Houston Together, 大休斯顿伙伴关系激励商界将Hga010皇冠软件下载的地区转变为一个更加公平和包容的居住地, work, and build a business.
Bringing together a network of over 120 businesses, institutions, and nonprofits, One Houston Together为伙伴关系成员提供数据驱动的见解, industry benchmarks, peer learning, 以及在Hga010皇冠软件下载认为商界能够产生最大影响的两个领域推动变革的最佳实践——为人才发展创造途径和利用Hga010皇冠软件下载的购买力.
One Houston Together的综合资源和数据帮助伙伴关系成员确定起点,制定战略行动计划,以增加代表性,并对Hga010皇冠软件下载的区域经济和当地社区产生积极影响.
区域评估是皇冠HGA010官方下载规划和推进DEI(多样性)进展的重要工具, equity, and inclusion). Please click the link for key findings, a list of 2023 participants, and the interactive industry dashboard.
Houston Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Impact Analysis
这份报告是大休斯顿伙伴关系的“一个休斯顿在一起”和休斯顿少数族裔供应商发展委员会(HMSDC)共同努力的结果。. 下表总结了休斯顿MSA九县中hmsdc认证的少数族裔企业的经济影响. While there are many other MBEs throughout the region, HMSDC的数据被用作衡量中小企业在本地区日益增长的经济影响的指标.
In 2020, 该伙伴关系成立了一个董事会委员会,以指导该组织在解决休斯顿种族平等和种族正义问题方面的行动. 种族平等委员会的使命是利用休斯顿企业和机构的集体承诺和资源,推进大胆的解决方案,以加强休斯顿作为最多元化的城市, inclusive and equitable city in the United States.
这个委员会的运作水平相当于Hga010皇冠软件下载另外两个“仅限董事会成员”的方向制定委员会, 公共政策指导委员会和经济发展指导委员会. The committee is currently co-chaired by Cynthia Hansen, Executive Vice President and President, Enbridge和Melanie Johnson的天然气输送和中游, President and CEO of Collaborative for Children. 点击下面的链接查看委员会成员的全部名单.
The Curb-Cut Effect, Angela Glover Blackwell, Stanford Innovation Review
Laws and programs designed to benefit vulnerable groups, such as the disabled or people of color, often end up benefiting all of society.
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LaTanya Flix
Senior Vice President, Inclusive Leadership and Opportunity